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Monday, July 31, 2006

An Angel and a Saint

An Angel and a Saint

There lie a red Dixie cup
Lying there on the road
A few miles outside of the city
Observe and admire the hard working rat
As it steps into that what he calls home

A late afternoon, but not yet evening
Not so warm, but not too cold
And not a bit nippy
For a day in the late summer
And not yet fall
All the bustle in the city
Getting ready for it all
It goes on every month
Every season, every week
It happens on Thanksgiving
Christmas, Easter morning
And the hopeless preparation
Of the days and the weeks before
So every day the cars and buses
Go all day yelling and smoking
It's a crying shame that God
Don't come down n' say, "Shut up!"
But seeing every Sunday that
This thing has never happened
The only option is to walk away
And simply look right past them

I come here every so often
Just a few miles outside the city
And I pity it as I'm sitting near
The bus stop, but never on it
Past the cup a weed of grass
And past the grass some rocks
Lower and more out there was the sea
Reflected by the sun
A guitar and a composition book
To pass the time
Measured by the horizon line
An old guitar, a sad looking one
The stain and paint were stripped of their
Old beauty they once had
A weak old steel string was snapped and coiled
But was still remaining
An Audiovox voice recorder
Contained a good amount of notes
Notes of music, music about dreams of love
And memories of hate for the world
The batteries were dead now for weeks and weeks
So no more notes were told
Only thoughts inside the head
And those on beaten pieces of paper

Choppy water, and choppy water
That's all the marina has to give
A few rocks with a light house though
Provides as a small industrial art
My heart felt a little lighter as I soon noticed
The boats had gone off to sleep
I was beginning to feel a little bit sleepy
I thought I was already fallen asleep
Instead I stood up thinking
As I stared across the water
To the left the buildings now
They all had 5 o' clock shadows
And the choppy water blended
Into the sea untouched
The breeze was cooler
I liked that

As I observed, I wondered, pondered
I thought of a thought I never thought of
If there is a God up in the heavens
If He was who they said he was
Could God Himself send down an angel
Of his own
That one day she may land on Earth
And change the ways of man
She'd play us beautiful music unheard of
That bleeds our human ears
But leaves a scab that protects us from the noises
Of anything other than that
A scar that rids our virginity
Of real beauty

The smog had cleared the sky
And out came clouds of blue
Imagine, just imagine
The most beautiful clouds in the world
Out of the clouds, I must be crazy
But an angel came out of the sky
She looked at me with her soft sweet blue eyes
And I observed her appearance
She looked no more than the cutest girl
From school or from home
The girl that has a fun and free mind
But a heart full of friendship and love
Her long brown hair waved around her
A halo propped on top
She wore a pair of blue-jean shorts
And a shirt with a designer music note on
She wore a necklace around her neck
Which hung a golden crucifix
A pair of wings extended from her back behind her shoulders
Strong and elegant at that
Of gentle feathers of a dove
Pure and white as snow
She had a pretty face
With smooth soft skin
The angel had her in one hand
A magic golden harp
The angel in her angel way
Let out her other hand
She looked upon me with innocence
But full of guiding power
I was still a little shocked
Am I really seeing this
I did not want this thing to stop
Though I was still scared to shit

I wanted to go up with her
Leave this dreaded world behind
Like the people from The Martian Chronicles
I wanted a Mars of mine
The angel said I cannot leave
That now is not my time
I must stay here and teach the world
Of things from a beautiful mind
Then disappointment disturbed that mind
And at that moment I began to cry
I do not understand the things
They do not meet reality
Sure they are beautiful indeed
But they're nothing but plain images you see
This is what I had told the angel

While my face turned to a rain battered shed
I lifted my dirty hands from their pockets
And wiped them on my face
As I held this pointless tantrum
I felt something very strange
I felt lighter than before
My feet grew more relaxed
There grew that funny feeling in my stomach
The one you often get when riding
On a roller coaster ride
Eyes were brave to open
But thought they had regretted opening
And the mind was amazed in disbelief
As it saw me floating free
Floating, floating, oh my God
I felt like a new born baby
After the kicking and screaming and suffering
When entering a brand new world
Scared, frightened, confused
I would have been crying more
But my eyes were fixed on this marvel

A blanket, a bed, a woman held me
The angel I mean, and she wrapped her arms
Around me, holding me like a baby
And  telling it goodnight
She didn't say goodnight however
The angel held my body and kissed my head
She appointed me to the Lord
To do a duty for the world
While answering all my problems as well
She told me of the beautiful things
In a song she list them:

What this world has not to offer
Do not let it go to you
For if you go on off and wander
You'll see that it's not true
Some people live on their lives poorly
But times it's not intentional
It is not that they're not worthy
They just don't understand at all
There are wise men who know of this
But they are easy to give up
Because they haven't had their wits
Or they are of no luck
But you my child are blessed with power
The power of the Holy Spirit
And your job is to travel far
And draw others near it
Show them that there is still beauty
Like music and independence
Whatever nature's left to see
Our brothers and our friends
So don't you cry now anymore
Be brave and be true
Go save the world young savior
And don't forget, I love you

Before I tried to realize
She was gone and I was standing again
Now was crying more than ever
But with a smile on my face
The sun was purple under the clouds
And made a vanilla colored sky
A rooster in the city crowed its last for the night
The harbor bells sounded pretty
Silent in the night
The city lights activated
Like still fireflies
The lighthouse was like the lady of a soldier
Waiting for her love to return home

My tears had dried
I quickly scrubbed my face with my black tee-shirt
I bagged up my equipment
Walked over to the bus stop bench
And for a few I waited
The bus came like a ghost
Wandering down the highway
As I stepped toward the bus door
I noticed where before there remained a weed
Which lay in front of the Dixie cup
There was now a fully bloomed white flower
At that moment I adored this flower
And I loved it
It's decision to bloom at night
Was to live for the beauty of life

- Paul Skinner

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Summa school's out! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!

After 6 dreadful months of being off restriction, I'm finally free!  Umm, I have nothing much to say about it other than the classes I took were extremely fun, and I've been dying to get out and jam and hang out with my friends.  Uhh, tomorrow, I'll post a poem I made a week or two ago.  It's 8 pages long in 12 point font!  So, uhh, yeah.  Laters!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Like a story piece from a Final Fantasy or some kind of RPG

    The town was just awaking as Ino entered, coming from a long journey.  He was hoping to seek medical aid and buy some potions from the item shop.  He wore a brown leather vest with a few pockets which contained small weapons.  He had on a black shirt and a pair of khaki shorts, and to the side of one of the hips hung a sword wrapped in a case.
    Soon after he entered the small town, all the townspeople arose and scrambled through the town to do their daily work.  These people were average folk and did not know of battle, other than the equipment shop owner who, when it came to politics and warfare, not many people in that town understood.  The people had no sense of adventure and encountered no aspects of evil.  And yet Ino was possessed with both of these qualities.
    There was one person at the item shop, a cute young pharmacy girl at the register.  Ino approached the counter.
    "Good morning," he said.
    "Huh?"  The young girl stretched and yawned, and she rubbed her face as if her whole body was not ready to be awake yet.
    "Oh, please excuse me," the girl said, embarrassed.
    "That's quite alright.  My name is Ino."
    "It's nice to meet you Ino.  I'm Lynn.  Is there anything I can do for you?"
    "Yes, I'd like to buy a few potions please."
    "Alright then."  The girl reached behind the counter, then asked him something as if she forgot.
    "What kind of potion would you like to buy?"
    "Just the standard, nothing fancy."
    She grabbed three bottles of potion and set them on the counter.
    "That'll be fourty-five gil please," she said, and she opened the register.
    "We hardly every used to get business here, but recently we've had more customers from outside of the village."
    Ino gave her the money, and said to her while looking out the doorway, "They are wise customers.  They are preparing for the battle of a lifetime, with the hope and pride to save the world."
    The traveling warrior stepped out of the shop and took a breath of fresh air, for he know it would be the last that he would enjoy for a long time.  He was planning on staying at the inn to rest and revive his health, but first he meant to visit the equipment shop, and before he could do that he had to locate it.
    "Excuse me sir," Ino tapped the shoulder of an old man walking by.  "Could you direct me to the equipment shop?"
    "I'm terribly sorry sir," the old man tipped his hat off to show his attention.  "The store closed days ago.  The man who owns the store, Mr. Katara, left on a business trip a week or two ago to make a few trades.  No one has heard from him since.  Not many people here visit the shop, so we're keeping the news to a minimal.  This way the town won't get involved in unnecessary danger."
    "Have you searched for him?"
    "Oh, yes.  Some search squads have been formed, and a few villagers rode out on chocobos just yesterday, but still no progress had been made."
    There was a long pause, and Ino's thoughts began to worry about the incident, and worry that it was not a coincidence.  The old man suddenly looked up as if he remembered something.
    "There was one thing.  A traveler came down here not to long ago.  He was carrying a sword made by Mr. Katara.  When I asked him where he got it, he said that he had returned from fighting a battle against a fleet of monsters.  He said he took it from a monster he had slain, and he noticed it wasn't a monster's sword."
    "That could only mean one thing," Ino's face jumped with discovery.  "He must be in the Mountains of Shadow Goblin, he must be there.  Have you searched anywhere there?"
    "No, we can't.  No one will even enter through the Echo Corridors, not even the chocobos."
    "Well then," Ino drew his sword out.  "I know what I must do.  I will go now to the forbidden Mountains of Shadow Goblin."

Monday, July 17, 2006

We all have best friends, like that one guy, Chris...

PetMetroid1: chris!
uberally1: what
PetMetroid1: my mom was like, "are you
going to ur friends house tonight?"
PetMetroid1: and I was like
PetMetroid1: hold on
PetMetroid1: ok
PetMetroid1: and i was like, "i wansnt
planning on it"
PetMetroid1: so im like
PetMetroid1: "ok"
PetMetroid1: so can i go to someones
house after work tonight?
PetMetroid1: bus (inside joke, that means he died and got hit by a bus)
PetMetroid1: school bus?
PetMetroid1: or military bus?
PetMetroid1: or public bus?
PetMetroid1: or tour bus?
PetMetroid1: or special bus?
PetMetroid1: or swat bus?
PetMetroid1: or mexican bus?
PetMetroid1: or daycare bus?
PetMetroid1: or musican's bus?
PetMetroid1: or double decker bus?
PetMetroid1: or zoo bus?
PetMetroid1: or hotwheels bus?
PetMetroid1: or playskool bus?
PetMetroid1: or monster bus?
PetMetroid1: or is it monster truck bus?
PetMetroid1: well if you ask me, i think
you got hit by all of these busses at
the same time!
PetMetroid1: OUCH!@!@!@
PetMetroid1: that'd hurt!
PetMetroid1: well, u must b dead then
PetMetroid1: unless you got hit by a...
PetMetroid1: ...jesus bus?
PetMetroid1: but that was after u got hit
by the magic bus
PetMetroid1: and the eric bus
PetMetroid1: and the jesus bus drove u
up to heaven
PetMetroid1: and you commanded an army
against hell with a psp
PetMetroid1: and u were like keanna
PetMetroid1: but we were all like
PetMetroid1: chris is dead!!!!
PetMetroid1: hes not supposed to die yet
PetMetroid1: and i said
PetMetroid1: "III was supposed to kill
him, no fair!"
PetMetroid1: and we were like
PetMetroid1: "ah shit, now we need a new
bass player"
PetMetroid1: where are we gonna find
one'o those?
PetMetroid1: so we just hired a hobbo
PetMetroid1: and bryan no longer had
nasty hair
PetMetroid1: cause the hobbo hadn't
washed in weeks
PetMetroid1: eeeeeewwwwwwwweeeeeeee
PetMetroid1: but he smelled  a hepha
PetMetroid1: grose!
PetMetroid1: and we're like
PetMetroid1: "damnit, we neeeeeeed chris!"
uberally1 signed off at 2:21:34 PM.
PetMetroid1: so we all died and
Previous message was not received by uberally1
because of error: User uberally1 is not available.
PetMetroid1: the end
Previous message was not received by uberally1
because of error: User uberally1 is not available.
PetMetroid1: geeez, we're soo glad u care,
u bass terd!
Previous message was not received by uberally1
because of error: User uberally1 is not available.

We were all supposed to go up to heaven that day to reunite the band, but chris never returned my calls...  Chris, this bud's for you!

It's all just fun and games, till somebody looses a nut!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Crazy Girl

Don't let her beauty striken thee.
be personality the key.

Crazy girl in the sun
She blazes in the light
Running down the sandy beach
Calling to creatures of the sea
Amazes thee, amazes me
Crazy girl she got a smile
That train the badest crocodile
A spell to cast upon someone
One spell that someone love someone
A parrallel dimension
Of a sixth sense called romance
Yet crazy girl is that a goddess
Of another universe
She's more than that of a mere lover
But a brother and a friend
Her eyes will hypnotize
Though her hugs will never end
Her hair may be of beauty sued
But kisses never fade
Her body is a magnificent structure
Made by man
Yes, but most important are memories
With a goddess in the sand
Crazy girl, crazy girl
We all adore your beauty
But some of us respect the most
Of crazy girl, the spirit within thee

Friday, July 7, 2006

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Wut about North Korea?

= This radical blog is a response to the newspaper article from the 5th of July titled "North Korea launches missiles"

Everyday we keep hearing about the Middle East on the news, well alot of the time it's regarding our troops, and I'm not putting that down, just the entire issue in general.  There are so many other problems going on in the world that we are giving no attention.  Like activities in North Korea.  I think they could be a possible threat in the near future, and they have been heading in that direction.  A couple of days ago they began testing their long-range missiles which they claim could reach as far as the United States...........................
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuhhduh... anyone would be stupid not to sense a threat there.  Uhh, stupid!  You redards (nothing personal) understand they were testing their missiles, duh, hoping they would work, duh, how do they work, duh, they are supposed to fire halfway around the world, duh, when testing the main goal is to pass and succeed, duh, where else are they going to test it, duh, WE are halfway around the world, duh, if they got it to work the first (get this: how many times they tested it...) ten times it would result in the deaths of million(s) American guinea pigs for their test.  This is a huge threat, this is where the biggest should have been focused, at least for a day.  And, if unstopped, they will get it to work, just like any other human being evolves to new technology.  In the mean time we need to research a defense strategy as they are researching a way to get the missile to work.  If the Bush administration is going to say they are too busy, that's bull!  The priority they are making for the war in Iraq takes no more time and effort than making a DiGiorno pizza.  Only someone stupid would stand and stare at the oven for the entire fourty minutes.  There's plenty of time to watch TV and take out the trash; there's plenty of time to fight (FROM AMERICA, not personally fight) the war in Iraq and run a defensive program against Korea.  I wanna touch on one last thing before I settle down.  While Bush has been sending out troops for years to look for nuclear weapons in Iraq, Korea has admitted that they have nuclear weapons and are still making them!  I mean, throw me a freakin' bone here!  The Bush administration knows this, don't they?  I mean, they should.  But I suppose Bush is more--he, OMG, he is just stubborn!  If he has the slightest clue that he's screwed up, he is too stubborn to show it, and he dows not want to be wrong, he won't, he won't let it happen.  He was too concerned about finishing his daddy's pursuit to catch Sudam, and now he's making more excuses to keep troops overseas, but the truth is that he can't bring them home.  Our troops are like Jenga pieces: if we are removed, everything will fall apart.  This is the real truth (which is partially why I fully support my troops) and Bush just doesn't want to admit it.  We and the war and ...stuff is like a quarter ride at Toys R Us; we need another quarter or the baby will cry, but we still gotta deal with that spoiled baby, and Bush and the war is the quarter.  Hopefully, the baby will be satisfied soon,
God I hope...

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Good info about every human being

     Five days ago I discussed how everyone is different.  I envy how great it is, how it makes each and every one of us special.  But every jedi has its dark side.  Our differences also lead to dispute, to argument, and ...stuff.  Sometimes they make a person dislikable, or hard to understand, or something like that.  What one person wants is not what everyone elso wants, and can not be what another wants at all.  Forgive me for rambling, but I feel like I'm trying to get a point out... somewhere
    Pop culture: I explained it alot in my blog a few days ago, but it can also do other evils, like bad habits.  Bad habits are usually triggered by pop culture.  It's like the darkside taking control and pulluting the mind with evil, and after awhile, the wetland that was once clean and thriving is now near extinction and cannot be saved.  This is sad.  It ruins personality and reputation, portraying others' point of views to be somethings you don't want them to be. 
    Bad habits are parasites that feed on every human, and they are usually influenced by an outside source, usually a popular one: gambling, drugs, driving, lying, porn, etc.  Since, one more time, habits are feeding on every human being, there is no point in letting it affect social life (unless the habit does cross that line radically, I will not intervine).  We all have em', and we usually can't do much about em'.  All you can do, unfortunately, is say, "hey, that's 'so-and-so,' and he/she'll never change."  That person will always be that way, but it doesn't make them a bad person.  In fact, that person prolly knows it was a mistake they made in the past that caused them to have this habit.  A mistake
    Most importatly, not everyone's actions acurately tell a person who we are, only the person themself.  People make stupid actions, they do things that they never meant to do, and would give his left nut (or her right ovary, wow, wieord) to change what they did.  Don't let a simple mistake ruin a life.  Stay true to what is real, because actions aren't real, only the person inside, where we find a man, and inside the man, we find his nucleus.

Monday, July 3, 2006

The Talk of the Tree

The Talk of the Tree
by Paul Skinner

    It was another typical morning, clear sky, as clear as possible, light traffic, everyone had gone to work and the day had already begun.  The park lay right on the corner of two major cross streets, and a school across the street from it.  Few cars were parked along the pathway, randomized into little bunches.  A small blue BMW broke the sound barrier as it set off its alarm and rang through the trees and the rest of the park.
    Damnit!  I was meaning to sleep in this morning if it weren't for that G**damned metal dog!  Oh well, I guess I'll have to rustle my leaves early.  The tree suddenly silently shook in the morning breeze.  Two older men came near to sit at the bench just a few feet away.  I ought to be a little more content, I mean listen to me!  But it's hard not to complain after all.  I suppose the young mans from across the street would have woken me anyway.  Beastly immature creatures they are, almost every day they meet together for some ritual, and right about when the sun is in the middle of the sky, they all rush out, noisy in all, most of them making a bigger commotion with their painted horses, activating them one by one.
    The tree sighed, and the two men began to talk about politics.  The tree didn't know what the hell they were talking about, but he became interested when he heard "Bush," then lost interest again.  He looked over at the newly planted trees across the parkway.  Poor newbies.  Came strait out from Africa, and right around the same time that new building got put in, some kind of sandwich store, and I know a sandwich when I see one, the sqirrels told me about em'.  The food is a luxury for the squirrels, but as for the trees and the other comrades including the animals, that building just encourages the savage creatures to make a bigger mess of the park.  Why, just yesterday morning I woke up to find an abandoned picnic at my stump.  I don't understand it, I didn't even find it to look any bit appetizing, food served in the same niche as garbage!
    Sensing a feeling of boredom, the tree tried to listen to the older men again, both now talking about their children, their jobs, their cars.  The tree could not understand, but somehow he know that it was stupid, immoral, and destructive.  The tree suddenly bled a large gush of sap, and it felt sad.
    "Poor tree," one man said.  "It seems that the poor old thing has nearly met its day."  The other man stood and tipped his hat up.
    "That's crazy talk, it's not like it has feelings."