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Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Good info about every human being

     Five days ago I discussed how everyone is different.  I envy how great it is, how it makes each and every one of us special.  But every jedi has its dark side.  Our differences also lead to dispute, to argument, and ...stuff.  Sometimes they make a person dislikable, or hard to understand, or something like that.  What one person wants is not what everyone elso wants, and can not be what another wants at all.  Forgive me for rambling, but I feel like I'm trying to get a point out... somewhere
    Pop culture: I explained it alot in my blog a few days ago, but it can also do other evils, like bad habits.  Bad habits are usually triggered by pop culture.  It's like the darkside taking control and pulluting the mind with evil, and after awhile, the wetland that was once clean and thriving is now near extinction and cannot be saved.  This is sad.  It ruins personality and reputation, portraying others' point of views to be somethings you don't want them to be. 
    Bad habits are parasites that feed on every human, and they are usually influenced by an outside source, usually a popular one: gambling, drugs, driving, lying, porn, etc.  Since, one more time, habits are feeding on every human being, there is no point in letting it affect social life (unless the habit does cross that line radically, I will not intervine).  We all have em', and we usually can't do much about em'.  All you can do, unfortunately, is say, "hey, that's 'so-and-so,' and he/she'll never change."  That person will always be that way, but it doesn't make them a bad person.  In fact, that person prolly knows it was a mistake they made in the past that caused them to have this habit.  A mistake
    Most importatly, not everyone's actions acurately tell a person who we are, only the person themself.  People make stupid actions, they do things that they never meant to do, and would give his left nut (or her right ovary, wow, wieord) to change what they did.  Don't let a simple mistake ruin a life.  Stay true to what is real, because actions aren't real, only the person inside, where we find a man, and inside the man, we find his nucleus.

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