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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My favorite dream...

    Hmm...  I'm not sure that I can target one particular dream, but I can analyze a few.  When I was young, four years or less, one of my parents (I for got which one) was clueless enough to bring me in the Backdraft show studio thing at Unerversal Studios.  That triggered a box set of nightmares, including one dream like this:
    With my brother and grandma, we were walking through this dim hell-lighted cave.  I happened to notice something wierd as I walked with them; there were small tunnels, about the width of a bedroom.  When I looked inside, there would be a train (you could tell by it's locamotive headlight) and it was approaching out of the tunnel, so it appeared as if it were a long tunnel, an optical illusion.  Sorry, I had to include all of that.  Anyways, when we finished at the end, it turned into the hallway of my old house in North Long Beach.  Whan my two family members arrived in the livingroom, they were worried because I wasn't there with them.  In fact, ironically, I was in the bathroom.
    I had a trilogy dream set about aliens, or the end of the world, or whatever.  One was about aliens taking over Signal Hill (Wheh?  Yeah, I know).  Another was a lil disturbing to me.  I had a dream about aliens taking over my highschool, and it was pretty violent, but that wasn't the disturbing part.  It went out on the news later that afternoon, and it was discussed very little and portraid as only a nominal headline. 
    I had another dream from the boxset I called "The End of the World".  I was at my dad's house, and for some reason, the camera's point of view, after showing the setting, turned to an old friend from across the street.  He went into my backyard and planted Skittles in the lawn like in the old commercials.  Later that night, I went to bed.  For some odd reason my brother was sharing a room with me when in fact he had never been at that time.  He went to bed around the same time, and--oh damnit, I forgot something!  I could have almost ruined the whole story.  Have you ever watched "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"?  Haha, I just did that from the movie.  OK, sorry, where am I?  Oh yeah!  Before I went to bed, I saw lights in the sky, not stars, actual lights.  When we went to bed, I asked my brother, I mentioned the Skittles.  My brother told me to forget about it and just got to bed.  Well, about five seconds later, light flashed and it was the end of my dream...

I think that the "Wilson High Abduction" was my favorite.  I thought it was the scariest to me.  I might be telling you now that this is my favorite dream, but I may be wrong, I'm not sure that I can target one particular dream, but I did analyze a few.

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