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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I think I'm waking up!

I've just downloaded a torrent for an mp3 rip of the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack.  Oh my God, it is so f ck'n beautiful, like an orgasm to my ears.  Anyways, I feel like I am finally waking up from my long musician's block.  I have a certain feeling in my stomach, in my heart, in my head, in the hairs on the back of my neck, in my face, in my eyes, in my fingertips, in my ears, in my imagination that has long been asleep in a quiet and idle coma, nerve recking urge to create that is now free to bloom on a piece of paper, through a microphone, into some form of art and achievement.  It feels like this music has just opened me like a key, it was just a matter of when the gatekeeper would meet the key maker.
I'll type back soon, perhaps tomorrow since I am currently busy.  Peace!

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