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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Love, I had a eureka!!! {

The last few days I've been approached by this problem that I've been trying to address, but have had no idea how to do so.
Here's the problem:
A good friend of mine, someone who I loved deeply, and who loved me too, told me a few days ago that she loved me.
Unfortunately, I've been lost and away from love, from her love, that I didn't know what to say.
Of course I said that I missed her, to avoid my dilemma that I really could not honestly tell her that I love her.
But I wanted to, so badly, however I didn't feel it. 
I always used to be the one who said "I love you."
In fact, I was the first to say it, even when I tried avoiding her before the confusion hit its peak, I couldn't help myself, and said, "I love you, I love you."
So why now, when she comes to me, am I lost and confused?
Where did it go?
How could I honestly feel that same love for her again?
Tonight, I spoke to someone (well technically messaged.)
She spoke of love as if it were a disease, and asked me why it is a disease?
Why is love referred to as a disease?
I thought a little, and came up with this:
"it is a disease because, like a disease, it can get really complicated, and like scientists, we need to find a cure"
And somehow, I thought of a cure, I had a eureka!

"i lost the feeling of love, and perhaps it is because i dont miss it, i think i need to get away from love, like, the opposite sex, attractions, etc for a little bit, then maybe ill realize what i havent been feeling for a little while"
I think I realize now what I have to do.
I have to devote my love to my love by giving up love.
No flirting.
No talking.
No porn.
No sex.
No liking.
No loving.
No etc.
I'm giving it all up for her, my love.
I'm doing this, my love, because I love you.

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